Condition monitoring
Intelligent predictive maintenance systems that monitor the health of critical rotating equipment, such as pumps, reduce the risk of sudden failure and boost uptime and productivity. Alfa Laval condition monitoring systems leverage the internet of things (IoT), connected devices and analytics to maximize process throughput, reduce the total cost of ownership, and increase plant productivity.
Condition monitoring for complete 24/7 real-time visibility of pump health
- Focus attention and prioritize service for pumps using condition monitoring data and an intuitive user interface
- Cut maintenance costs by eliminating unplanned downtime, staff overtime and spare parts rush orders
- Extend pump lifetime and lower total cost of ownership
- Save valuable maintenance staff time and resources by focusing attention where it is needed most
- Service critical pumps only when maintenance is required using intelligent diagnostics
Industries that rely on rotating equipment spend billions on unplanned maintenance. Alfa Laval condition monitoring solutions are intelligent IoT systems that use advanced sensors to measure and collect critical data on machine vibration.
With Alfa Laval condition monitoring systems, plant operators have complete 24/7 visibility of machine health in real time from a remote location. They can predict, prioritize and plan condition-based maintenance activities using actionable machine health data and insights. This prevents equipment failure, optimizes asset performance and ensures production continuity.
Alfa Laval Analytics
Alfa Laval Analytics is a leading, AI-based solution for online condition monitoring. Analytics helps you detect potential machine failure before it occurs and diagnose the root cause. The user-friendly and affordable solution brings peace of mind and helps keep your pumps at peak performance at all times.
How do Alfa Laval condition monitoring systems work?
The Alfa Laval condition monitoring portfolio consists of:
- Alfa Laval CM, a wireless monitoring unit that collects triaxial vibration data, surface temperature and run time of the pumps and transmits via Bluetooth to the CM Connect gateway.
- Alfa Laval CM Connect that transmits data to the cloud via 4G.
For complete visibility of pumps in a specific location, users access data and trend analyses using an intuitive web-based dashboard on PCs and mobile devices – anytime, anywhere. The dashboard displays pump health, battery status of the units, historical vibration data for FFT frequency analysis, current and total running hours, and pump information, such as serial number, model and type.
Using Alfa Laval service partners ensures easy access to service centres that use genuine Alfa Laval spare parts, maintain equipment reliability, and conduct maintenance under warranty.
Alfa Laval Connected Services subscription
The purchase of the Alfa Laval CM Connect includes a 12-month Connected Services subscription. Connected Services includes cellular connectivity, remote support during setup, access to data on current asset condition, and assistance in establishing a performance measurement baseline.
From any remote location, an unlimited number of users can monitor pump condition on PCs and mobile devices. An intuitive user interface and the CM Connect App presents data on an easy-to-understand dashboard and highlights assets in need of attention.
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На разположение е пълен каталог за помпи
На една ръка разстояние: Хигиенните помпи на Alfa Laval транспортират продукти – безопасно, щадящо и ефикасно. Нашият каталог, намиращ се „на една ръка разстояние“, описва подробно всичко, от което се нуждаете, за да изберете надеждни високоефективни и енергоспестяващи помпи, като същевременно намалите емисиите и потреблението на вода и енергия. Това, което получавате, е повишена безопасност, по-продължително време на безотказна работа и по-голяма производителност.
Развийте бизнеса си. Оптимизирайте системите си за работа с флуиди – устойчиво
Направете своите процеси по-ефективни и по-устойчиви, спазвайки нормативните изисквания и гарантирайки процъфтяването на своя бизнес. С устойчивата оптимизация на Alfa Laval можете да спестите до 80% от икономиите на енергия, както и до 90% от икономиите на вода и почистващи средства, като същевременно намалите отпадъците до минимум. Добро за хората. Добро за планетата. Добро за рентабилността.
Съживете своята стратегия за устойчивост
Получете повече икономии на енергия и вода и намалете емисиите от вашите хигиенни производствени линии. Нашият месечен бюлетин ви представя отблизо истории за това как Alfa Laval може да ви подкрепи за подобряването на екологичните показатели в млечната, хранителната, питейната и фармацевтичната индустрия, както и за личната хигиена. Което е добро за хората и за планетата, е добро и за вашия бизнес.