Different separation technologies

There are various methods to separate liquid phases and solids from liquids. Two most common technologies are centrifugal separation and filtration. Decanters and disc stack separators (also referred to as centrifuges) are both centrifugal separators. In many processes both decanters, discs stack separators and filters are used, in different stages of the process - or even used in series - to achieve the required separation result.

Decanter centrifuges remove large particles from slurries or liquids with a high concentration of solids as well as separate two liquid phases of varying densities by means of centrifugal force.

Disc stack centrifuges uses centrifugal force to separate liquids with a lower concentration of solids and relatively small particle sizes. It is highly suitable for separating two liquid phases as well as a solids phase.

Membrane filters typically handle low solids concentrations and capture the smallest particles. Membrane filters typically remove particles up to 1 micron is size, in liquids where the solids content is 5% or less.

Ranges of each technology

  • Decanters (liquids containing 15% or more solids + particle size is greater than 10 micron)
  • Filters (liquids with solids content of 5% or less + particle size is less than 1 micron)
  • Disc stack centrifuges (liquids with solids below 25% + particle size between 0.1 micron and 150 micron
  • Membrane filters (liquids with up to 5% solids concentrations + particle size up to 1 micron


Как функционира

Технологиите за сепариране са от съществено значение за широк спектър от отрасли – от храни, напитки и фармация, морски и енергийни приложения до третиране на води и отпадъци. Използват се различни технологии за сепариране на течности от течности, както и сепариране на твърди частици от течности с цел получаване на по-чисти вещества, ценни странични продукти и по-малък обем отпадъци за изхвърляне.

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